Amritanandamayi Math to Gift 100 Houses to Poor
26 September 2016 | The New Indian Express
Business Tycoon & Amritanandamayi Math Offer Aid to Kerala Fire Victims11 April 2016 | CNN-IBN
Kerala Fire Tragedy: Helping Hand From Amritanandamayi11 April 2016 | The New Indian Express

Science Teachers to be Trained in Digital Learning
6 September 2015 | The Hindu

Japanese Students Help Build Homes
28 February 2014 | The Hindu
Japanese Students Help Build Homes in Uttarakhand28 February 2014 | The Hindu

Math Announces Projects Worth Rs 25 Crores
21 September 2012 | The New Indian Express
Amritanandamayi Math to Hand Over 635 Houses Today16 June 2012 | The New Indian Express

CM Hands Over Keys to Flood-Affected
4 August 2010 | The TImes of India
Amma to Hand Over House Keys to Flood Victims16 February 2010 | The New Indian Express